At Osman Consulting Ltd, we take great pride in our commitment to delivering exceptional Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) services in the humanitarian field. Our recent project in Somalia, the SEAM II endline evaluation, stands as a testament to our dedication to making a positive impact.

A Project with Purpose
SEAM II (Somalia Emergency Assistance and early Market Recovery), funded by USAID and implemented by Mercy Corps, aimed to bring about positive change throughout Somalia across various sectors including Agriculture and Food Security, Multipurpose Cash Assistance, Nutrition, Shelter, Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), and Early Recovery and Market Systems. Our MEAL team was tasked with evaluating the project’s impact by analyzing indicators based on USAID guidelines.
A Comprehensive Approach
Our methodology was designed to ensure a robust evaluation. We used both population-level indicators and beneficiary-level indicators. We applied simple random sampling to collect data for the former. However, we utilized a two-stage stratified sampling process for beneficiary-level indicators so as to accurately represent the populations in seven targeted districts. This meticulous approach allowed us to gather representative data efficiently.
Methodology in Action
Our data collection process was nothing short of meticulous. We monitored it in real-time using Kobo toolbox, ensuring data accuracy and consistency. Daily data cleaning and verification procedures were put in place to maintain data quality.
In addition to surveys, our methodology incorporated over 17 Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), 26 Key Informant Interviews (KIIs), and over 110 observation checklists. To determine the significance of the changes observed, we employed statistical tests such as Pearson's Chi-Square and the t-test, ensuring that the differences were a result of the intervention and not due to chance.

Valuable Insights and Impact
We presented the findings of our evaluation following the OECD-DAC criteria and the Theory of Change methodology. We also provided cross-sector analysis to identify the synergies between sectors when implemented together. Our final report, enriched with simplified visuals and charts, was aimed at making complex findings accessible to all stakeholders.
To ensure the robustness of our findings and discussions, we referred to key sources such as the Core Humanitarian Standards, Sphere Handbook, USAID Emergency Response Guide, USAID Indicators Analysis Guidelines, Mercy Corps MEAL strategies, and others.
A Commitment to Learning and Improvement
Our SEAM II evaluation not only provided valuable insights on the humanitarian programme but also identified areas for learning. Actionable recommendations and best practices were presented to both Mercy Corps and USAID to extend the project's impact.
At Osman Consulting Ltd, we believe that MEAL is more than just an acronym; it is a commitment to accountability, transparency, and learning. Our work on SEAM II exemplifies this commitment.
As we move forward, we remain dedicated to delivering excellent MEAL services and contributing to positive change in humanitarian efforts worldwide. Stay tuned for more updates on our projects and valuable insights into the MEAL sector.