(January 2018)
Two members of the Osman Consulting team, Moustafa and Hassan recently delivered workshops in Turkey, organised by International Medical Corps and the International Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IMC-IHH). The workshops focused on both the Introduction to Sphere and Sphere for Practitioners.
The first workshop provided an introductory session and covered all the essential topics including Sphere basics, the Rights-based Approach and Sphere technical chapters.
The second workshop aimed to enhance the effectiveness and quality of humanitarian agencies’ response to disasters, thus making a significant difference to lives of people affected by disasters.
The course was inclusive and worked on enriching knowledge and skills on inclusion which is an essential issue for humanitarian actors. These workshops offered an opportunity to bring humanitarian stakeholders in Istanbul together, to experience first-hand the benefits of applying quality and accountability standards.
Moustafa, the lead trainer, explained that “The main idea was to deliver an interactive training session, emphasising the importance of using Sphere standards immediately at the time of an emergency. It was great to have key field staff, emergency coordinators and heads of camps attend the workshops.”