(May 2018)
The Osman Consulting team is making plans for projects in Yemen, given the latest updates from the UN.
An escalation in fighting, increasing obstacles to aid delivery and lack of food and fuel have exacerbated Yemen’s dire humanitarian crisis, the United Nations have warned, calling on all parties to end the violence.
Across Yemen, more than 22 million people are dependent on humanitarian assistance or protection, of whom around 8.4 million are severely food insecure and at risk of starvation.
“If conditions do not improve, a further 10 million people will fall into this category by the end of the year,” cautioned Mark Lowcock, the UN Emergency Relief Coordinator.
Of particular concern is the situation of Yemen’s children – one in four are out of school, not only deprived of education but also at risk of exploitation and recruitment by armed groups .
For more information about OC projects in Yemen, contact info@osmanconsulting.co.uk
