(August 2019)
Sphere Training
Osman Consulting has just concluded the second of the Tripoli training courses delivered in August 2019. This three-day course was run in partnership with STACO, a development organisation based across Libya, and saw 21 participants attending from across the country. Participants represented a range of organisations, including the government Commission of Civil Society department.
Training was led by Moustafa Osman and co-facilitated by Hassan Al Sabeh, and aimed to give stakeholders the knowledge and skills to apply the Sphere standards in their day-to-day work, to enhance the effectiveness and quality of agencies’ responses to disasters.
The training provided an insight into the Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian response, and its applications in disaster management. It was designed to draw on a variety of creative, practical and interactive learning methodologies so that participants could gain new knowledge, relate this to their work and discover how to apply it in practice.
One of the participants, Maysoun, commented that the course used a “methodology that suits the trainers in their current work fields,” and was impressed with this ability to adapt the training to tailor it to the needs of the attendees, to make it as relevant and useful as possible. Participants agreed that the training was conducted to a high level of professionalism.
Another participant commented that not only had the training helped them identify and understand problems and how to solve them but had been valuable in the way that it highlighted the understanding and solutions that participants already held. She commented,
“We really need this kind of training in our country nowadays.”
This highlights the importance of synthesis and dialogue between local knowledge and global standards.
The training comes at a critical time for Libya, with the conflict just outside Tripoli more and more people are being displaced. For organisations on the ground, building capacity and adapting to an increasingly challenging context is crucial.
Maysoun expressed her wish “That OC establishes its branch here in Libya as soon as possible”, saying, “We need such experts.”
The OC team found their time in Libya very rewarding and are looking forward to further training.
