This year was a great year for OC. Our business has grown and so has our team. We therefore moved to new office which is bigger and more convenient. We have been operating in Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Yemen, Bangladesh and Pakistan, and providing consultancy to Saudi Arabia and Qatar.
I would like to attribute these successes to the wonderful dedicated team here at HQ and abroad.
I must thank Hassan for his dedication, flexibility, patience and backbone. I appreciate his understanding of individuals, and he is a great complement to me in handling the human side of things. His team management is excellent. I also am grateful for him accompanying me on difficult field trips to Yemen and Libya this year, in very harsh conditions.
I would like to thank Katy, my dedicated PA, for her efficiency and hard work without any fuss. She bore a huge burden when we were moving office, and has done great work in organising the new office and in terms of workflow and making the work environment conducive for everyone.
Ann, thanks for your amazing contributions in improving the quality of our bids, proposals and reports, we get praised by clients due to your quality and dedication. Your wisdom and your organisation is greatly appreciated.
Zaf, I cannot thank you enough for juggling so many tasks in this crucial time of transition including admin, finance, contracts, business development, marketing, visiting the field at short notice and more importantly handling me. We are all very grateful to you in taking on the burden of establishing the business development department from scratch. Your patience and understanding has been invaluable.
To Oliver I would like to say thank you for your efficiency and hard work, I have been so pleased at the effort you put in to everything and the quality of the work you do, as well as with your work building up a network in Libya and North Africa.
Mahmoud, I have been very impressed with your work and your support and input on bids and projects is essential. I must say a great thank you for your fast and committed carrying out of tasks.
Thank you to Une for your dedication and commitment, your patience and your proactive approach. I have been glad to watch you grow at OC and am very grateful for all your work. Your support on bids and projects is crucial and the new website has required a lot of input and I appreciate every second of it.
Alice, I want to say thank you for your energy and dedication, I really appreciate the tasks you carry out and the support you provide to the team. It is great to have you on board and I am really thankful for your flexibility and commitment, and your enthusiasm and great ideas.
Maham, I’d like to thank you for your great work and support on business development, picking things up very quickly and doing a really excellent job on supporting bid writing and a number of other tasks.
Gurmit, thank you for your quick understanding of our financial situation and challenges, for getting things in order and catching up so fast. Your work has been crucial and you are a valued member of the team.
Moustafa Osman, Founder and Director
